2023 Leadership Sperak Series at Community Smiles Dental
Investing in Healthy Relationships.
2023 Waukesha County Bar Association Family Section Continuing Legal Education
Domestic Violence in Family Law Cases
2023 Leadership Speaker Series at Community Smiles Dental
Investing in Healthy Relationships.
2023 Waukesha County Bar Association Family Section Continuing Legal Education
Domestic Violence in Family Law Cases
May 18, 2023
Clerk of Courts Webinar, State of New York
Trauma and Wellbeing Among Legal Professionals.
Wednesday, February 2, 2022 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Reviews from the event:
5 star rating across the board. Just thankful a program like this was presented. It can only go up from here.
Provide more if this
It was perfect.
What can be implemented in your workplace:
Too soon to implement anything just yet but I’m looking forward to continued discussions with Aimee to figure that out. I guess maybe just some additional self-care to be more compassionate about the reality of triggers of secondary trauma in my job. Not to diminish those.
Utilizing the Wheel of Wellness in coping with the stress we endure each day
Just having the knowledge that Secondary Trauma is a ” real thing” will be helpful in identifying, acknowledging, and overcoming.
Speaking to employees that I supervise about secondary trauma that they may experience at work and that they can talk about it and to a therapist is they need one
That I need to keep things in perspective and accept that change is part of our every day lives.
Legal Professionals Mental Health Symposium for the Mental Health Foundation of Australia
October 6th 2021
Dr. D’Amico was be the keynote speaker for this event.
New South Wales Australia Bar Association
Wednesday, June 23 2021 1-2pm
Effective strategies to deal with the psychological fallout of bullying or incivility in post covid legal practice
In this webinar, Dawn will explain what secondary trauma is, how to spot the signs of secondary trauma in oneself and others, and lead a discussion about ways that barristers We can’t always control how people treat us but we always control how we respond. In particular we can employ effective strategies to preserve our own sense of wellbeing and integrity. These strategies are even more important now, in post Covid legal practice, than ever before. Covid has worn us all down; we may not be as nimble or as resilient as we once were before the pandemic. Added to this mix are the unique challenges of online hearings.
Tuesday, 6 April 2021, 1-2:00pm
The Victorian Bar‘s Health and Wellbeing Committee in Australia is hosting a webinar – Managing Secondary Trauma as Legal Practitioners on Tuesday, 6 April 2021, 1-2:00pm.
Barristers and legal practitioners, especially those practicing in the Family Court of Australia, or work in with children, and in coronial and criminal law, can be involved in cases that include difficult and traumatic incidents. This can take a toll on practitioners’ #wellbeing.
In this webinar, Dawn will explain what secondary trauma is, how to spot the signs of secondary trauma in oneself and others, and lead a discussion about ways that barristers and legal practitioners can manage secondary trauma and where to find help.
The 6th Annual CLA & LAMDA Virtual Mental Health Conference
Date: Saturday, February 20, 2021
11:55 am to 12:40 pm: Trauma Informed Lawyering in Mental Health Litigation
Moderator: Cassandra DeMelo, Vice President, Criminal Lawyers’ Association
Psychotherapist: Dawn D’Amico
Lawyer: Helgi MakiVideos

Lawyers as Collaborative Leaders – Secondary Trauma And Mental Health In The Legal Profession
Date: Tuesday February 2, 2021
To kick off our first LACL session in 2021, I’m super excited to be sharing with you Dawn D’Amico. In this session we will be discussing the very important topic of secondary trauma that as lawyers we experience far too often.
The Canadian Criminal Lawyers Association and Law and Mental Disorder Association’s 6th Annual Convention.
– 2021